Our Story

The InsideOUT team began meeting together as a ministry of New City Fellowship and Restore St. Louis in November of 2015, wrestling with how we might enter into the ministry of advocacy and empowerment of men and women who are caught in the cycles of incarceration and recidivism. We were burdened with the belief that these men and women were the same men and women uniquely gifted and called to be Christ’s light in their own neighborhoods of St. Louis which are often plagued by violence, crime, substance abuse, and mental health issues. They just needed to be shown the life the Lord desired for them to live and for the church to advocate on their behalf and empower them to do so.

Our Vision and Purpose

InsideOUT Prison Ministry would like to see a community where those released from incarceration are welcomed and celebrated and empowered to build and lead in their communities. God has called his people to come alongside those who have been in prison. We want to carry that out that calling!

Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. – Hebrews 13:3

Rehumanizing People to Society, Reconciling People to Jesus Christ

InsideOUT Prison Ministry partners with churches, individuals, secular and religious organizations and groups to spread two messages: All humans are equally created in the Image of God AND All humans need Jesus Christ to fulfill their destiny and flourish!

We spread these two messages to men and women who have been caught up in the prison industrial complex. We also spread these two messages to the men and women who partner with us, because those who have NEVER been in jail or in prison need the EXACT SAME Gospel as those who have!

InsideOUT has two goals: to REHUMANIZE people to society and to RECONCILE people to Jesus Christ! Our Writing Down the Walls Pen Pal and Bible-based Cultural Intelligence Initiative bridges the gaps of ethnic, socioeconomic, and lived experience divides and builds relationships. Our Welcome Home Team facilitates a weekly Bible study and worship service for those who have come home, and due to the nature of their offenses, are not able to be around women and children at a traditional church. Our Entry Level Bible study serves those in the local jail with an introduction or re-introduction into the Christian faith. Our Deeper Level studies transform new and re-dedicated believers into leaders while they are in jail, to the end that they’ll be productive citizens and leaders when they come home.

Under these branches, we endeavor to provide shade, relief, and places for the Holy Spirit to use us and to grow us, as individuals and as a covenant community of believers.


Weekly classes at St. Louis County Jail and St. Louis City Jail

Volunteers follow-up with one-on-one mentoring after inmates are released

300 individuals served per year

400 in-home doctor visits per year

How Can You Get Involved?

Pray for us. Partner with us. Agree with God. To Donate – click here.

Contact Marshall “Book” Robinson: [email protected]

Email Archive

Thursday Oasis Vol. 17