Who We Are

At the beginning of 2013, a conversation began around the practical look of righteousness in feeding the hungry.  The conversation led to a question of how to address the neglected nutritional needs of the poor served by the various ministries of Restore St Louis.  For instance, many of the children at The Freedom School came to school without having eaten breakfast and with no lunch, but due to several obstacles, the school had been unable to provide a full-service meal program for its students.Daneisha-269x300

On March 4th, just 3 months after that initial meeting, the Lord broke down the barriers and opened the door for Umetulisha to begin providing healthy, balanced meals to every child and staff member at The Freedom School free of charge.

Since that time, the scope of Umetulisha has changed dramatically. While the core mission remains to provide healthy meals for students at The Freedom School, the ministry now helps provide food for other Restore St Louis ministries as well as the New City Fellowship community. Between The Freedom School, TFS Afterschool Program, Firm Foundation-Hodiamont, Firm Foundation-South City, Harambee, Workday, City Lights and several  New City Fellowship events, Umetulisha is on track to serve over 150,000 meals this year.Picture1-300x192