Support A Child

This year Umetulisha will serve 150,000 meals at a cost of $250,000, (about $1.67 per meal).


The cost to feed one child 3 meals per day (breakfast, lunch and hearty snack) is $150 per month.  Would you consider supporting one of these children by providing the funds needed to cover the cost of their meals?


Volunteers are needed to help serve and clean up lunch at the Freedom School from 11:15 am – 1:30 pmevery day, particularly on Fridays. This is a great time of fellowship with other volunteers as well as time to get to know the students.  Show the love of Jesus in a very practical way!



If the Lord has put it on your heart to financially partner with Umetulisha in providing food to at-risk children, please send checks to:

Restore St. Louis
1142 Hodiamont
St. Louis, MO 63112
Put “Umetulisha” in the memo line

To give electronically, click below: